Friday, December 12, 2008

More on Advent Conspiracy

I feel like I can't stop talking about the Advent Conspiracy. It has changed my entire outlook on Christmas. You see, for years I have felt like Christmas was something that caused stress. People are sad because they can't afford to buy something big and spectacular for their kids. Stores have sale after sale. Employees are upset because they have to work their second job at the mall to pay for the gifts they won't watch their loved one open. It's a bit ridiculous if you ask me.

Not this year.

This year, I'm learning for the first time that Christmas is about bringing hope, peace, and life. This year, I get to taste what it was like for Christ to come and give and teach. This year, I'm telling the real story of change. Think about joining. Watch this video and think about how you might be able to reclaim the message of Christ this season.

Trinity's 2008 Advent Conspiracy Project
Love well. Give wells.
People are dying from the lack of clean water. In fact, it's the leading cause of death in under resourced countries. 1.8 million people die every year from water born illnesses. That includes 3,900 children a day. The solution to this problem is directly beneath our feet. Drilling a fresh water well is a relatively inexpensive, yet permanent solution to this epidemic. $10 will give a child clean water for life. That's not an estimate. It's a fact. And here's another fact: Solving this water problem once and for all will cost about $10 billion. Not bad considering Americans spent $450 billion on Christmas last year. Our hope is that, by celebrating Christ in a new way at Christmas, the church can serve as the leading movement behind ending the water crisis once and for all.
As a part of the Advent Conspiracy, Trinity is supporting Living Water International ( to provide clean water to all God's people on Earth.
Our Goal
We will collect an offering the week after Christmas to donate to LWI for 125 well repairs in Liberia. Our goal is to donate $250,000.

Help me reach that goal. Help LWI reach that goal. Every dollar is a kid who lives. Every dollar.

Christmas can [still] change the world.

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