Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stand By Me

For some reason, I'm incredibly emotional today. I didn't wake up thinking I was going to be rather emo. It started because I got pulled over by a cop on the way to work. Apparently going 15 miles over the speed limit is frowned upon. He then in a matter of moments instructed me how to remove the tint from my front window (illegal in Illinois, thank you Saturn of Naperville!). He walked back to his car to ensure that I'm not somc crazy on the run and returned to sob fest 2008. Poor guy, just trying to do his job and he encounters, "can I have your hankie" lady.
Once I finally made it to work (thanks to a lovely stress induced Whopper Value Meal) I began writing a series of devotionals on stewardship. Bam, there I am at my desk crying because I could never get an Elderberry plant to grow in my garden. What is that all about? I'm reminded of the time one of my girlfriends in college shouted, "get off your emotional roller coaster and get on a train!"
It's easy in the moments of stress to forget that God looks, not at the circumstances around us, but at the big picture. And, God has designed us to be in community in this way. Next time you start to think you are all alone, take a look at this video. And if you are in the youth min program at Trinity, don't tell Gary I stole his lesson before he even taught it!!!

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