Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Seam Ripper

Tonight, I made this Taggie blanket per the request of a friend.  She offered to pay me, but I said, "Why don't you watch my kid for a few hours?"  I believe this is called battering.  Either way, she's a wonderful friend and I'm happy to make a gift she can pass on. 

Since, I dedicated tonight to sewing, I thought I'd take the Singer Confidence for a joy ride just to see what she was capable of.  This leads me to the title of today's post.  Who created the seam ripper?  She's a genius.  I assume the inventor is a female because the seam ripper implies mistakes have been made.  I made plenty of mistakes while playfully exploring new stitches tonight on my machine.  Which got me thinking about other mistakes in my life.  If only I could easily grab my little gadget and rip out those last few stitches, the ones that missed everything up, then continue on all mistakes forgotten.  Unfortunately, life isn't so simple.  Mistakes require "I'm sorry's" and change and sometimes tears.  Some of my mistakes turned out to be blessings, but they definitely did not feel that way at the time.  Some mistakes changed everything, opening a new chapter in my life.  Others, I still think about on still nights and wonder how things would be if I'd said or done something differently.  I wonder, what would have happened in those moments if I'd been able to just simply pull out a few seams and try again.  Would the lessons I've learned from those mistakes settled the same way?  How different would our lives be if we had a seam ripper?


Amanda said...

Isn't that the truth. But just think how those seams you want to rip out could have changed the bigger plan that was in store for you.
I love the colors of your new taggie blanket. CUTE

deb said...

yes there are many times I wish I had a do over

J.Mill said...

I wonder that all the time. When I tell people that, they say there is no use for regrets. It isn't that I have regrets, I just wonder what the total sum of my choices are/were. Like a ripple effect or a choose your own adventure book.